Research on Male Promiscuity


Men today are very prone to promiscuity and cheating.  1 out of 2 single men has had 2 or more sexual partners in the last 12 months.

Why are men promiscuous? Why do they sleep around?

In the United States 85% of single men are sexually active, and 45% are promiscuous.[1]

Promiscuous men have traits and behaviors, many of which are surprising.  Restricted men prefer girls with a disposition to commit, and with good personal and parental qualities.[2]  They are more committed and seek more mutual satisfaction in a relationship.  The unconstrained or promiscuous men, on the other hand, seek their own satisfaction, and prefer attractive women that have social visibility and popularity.

When promiscuous men have sex with a new partner, 25% of the time they do it with girls they know and have known for some time, maybe with classmates, colleagues or friends, but sex usually does not redefine the relationship, they remain friends or acquaintances, as if nothing had happened.  That is, they do not restrict to new acquaintances only.  Nevertheless, 75% of new sex partners are formally unknown persons or new acquaintances.

They may also differ in the type of person that attracts them.  Promiscuous men prefer girls with more sexual experience, and prefer less the less experienced, maybe because they are easier and the sex will be readily available.

Promiscuous men tend to be extroverted, aggressive, uninhibited and very concerned with their appearance.  They dress well and if they can, they invest a lot in their appearance.


Promiscuous men are impulsive, immature, and lack common sense

They are impulsive, lack common sense and tend to express emotions inappropriately.  It is likely that they do not accept cultural norms.  They tend to be immature and have attitudes against authorities.  They qualify lower in general well being, tend to have fewer social skills outside of their circle, and have superficial social relations.  In other words, they do not have many genuinely close friends.

When they have a long-term partner, they have less sexual interest in her, and qualify her as less attractive, an effect shared with men that use pornography.  They see other girls as more attractive.  Perhaps that is one reason they are unfaithful.

It is more common for promiscuous men to come from unstable or divorced families.  Promiscuity, like homosexuality, has an hereditary component, and an environmental or learned component.[3]  Promiscuous men are born, but also done.  And if born, it can be undone.  Personal decision is ultimately the determinant of promiscuity, as it is in homosexuality.

Promiscuous men are less pleasant.  With their primary partners, they tend to be somewhat rude and aggressive.  It is more difficult to interact with them, and are less reliable.  They see themselves as more physically attractive and give more importance to physical attractiveness when choosing a girl.  They score higher in psychopathy measures, are more self-centered and less mature emotionally. Generally, they frustrate with their partners and they do not like to ask for help from their romantic partner.  They make friends for mere sexual attraction and the possibility of sex, and leave those friendships if those attributes are lost.


Promiscuous men are flirty and invest more in their appearance

Promiscuous men are more attracted to coquettish girls, and are more flirtatious themselves.  Somehow promiscuous people find one another and interact, nonverbal language seems to attract people of equal socio sexuality one to the other.  Promiscuity and openness to casual sex can be “seen” and thus promiscuous attracts promiscuous.

Promiscuous men are less affectionate and more distrustful.  Also more irresponsible and less productive in their professions, but despite that, they anticipate higher future earnings.  Perhaps they tend to believe mistakenly that successful people are promiscuous, as usually top executives and wealthy characters are portrayed in movies or music.

His tastes for women can be strange, as they tend to see women as more sexually attractive than they really are, or may be attracted to less attractive women.  They are usually good-looking and have many romantic options.  Several behavioral studies prove that more options lead to worse decisions, and maybe that relates to the fact that when they marry, they do so with less attractive partners.  In addition, they feel stronger sexual desires when they see attractive models.

To attract a mate, promiscuous men are more “show off” and boastful, and they use the technique of denigrating other men.

Promiscuous men are not mentally healthy, but they don’t realize it.  Promiscuity and hypersexuality can lead to psychological disorders such as borderline personality disorder (BDP).  This disorder is also common in people who suffered sexual abuse.

BDP is an emotional disorder that usually includes depression, and characterizes by extreme emotions and emotional reactivity.  Also chronic romantic stress and relational conflict.  BDP affects aspects of sexuality like sexual depression and sexual dissatisfaction.  They are also more prone to infidelity, sexual boredom with a partner, and homosexual attraction.  People with BDP usually do not reach orgasm with their primary partner and maybe that pushes them to more promiscuity.

Many people are restricted, conservative and closed to sex simply because evidence indicates that by doing so they are more likely to attract and retain a better partner.  Restricted persons tend to require commitment and loyalty, and good looks, and that is not negotiable, unless they are not so attractive.  The best persons are attracted to people who have less sexual experience and who are sexually faithful.

Promiscuos men are easier to manipulate and are actually at the mercy of a girl that knows how to deal with them.  Promiscuos men have a strange weakness.  For more info, refer to the book “Why are hot men sluts”.

Article by Frederick Norman Tate, author of “Why Are Hot Men Sluts”

Hot New Book. A must for any girl today.

Hot New Book. A must for any girl today.

[1] Promiscuity defined as 2 or more sexual partners in the last 12 months.  Super promiscuous, that is 5 or more sexual partners in the last 12 months, are 6% of women and 14% of men.  See NHSLS.

[2] Jeffry A. Simpson, Steven W. Gangestad, Sociosexuality and Romantic Partner Choice.

[3] Those who grow up in families full of conflicts tend to promiscuity.  Also they tend to have first sex younger.

[4] See Harvey, et al, Handbook of Sexuality in Close Relationships.

[6] Adverse emotional reactions are related to the rate of promiscuity and number of sexual partners in women but not in men.