Relationship Assessment Test


Is your romantic relationship doing well?  How can you tell?  The following test will give you an opinion on the status of your current romantic relationship.

Answer YES if your partner:


1.Hits you or pushes you.
2.Lies, even in small things.
3.Drinks, or parties late, two or more times a week.
4.Uses drugs, even weed, even occasionally.
5.Watches pornography, goes to brothels or nude shows.
6.Has an idle life or has bad friends.
7.Degrades or disrespects you in public or private.
8.Speaks ill of you behind your back. Denys the relationship to someone else, without justification.
9.Has been unfaithful in a past relationship.
10.Is only a friend with benefits partner. If there are no plans for marriage. If you are just friends. If they refer to the relationship as only a friendship.
11.And you have been together more than 1 year but still have no wedding date.
12.calls you up late at night to see you. If you make plans to go out but he or she confirms you at the last moment.
13.keeps the relationship with you secret or hidden from someone. If you don’t know most of his or her family or friends. With no valid reason. or has been unfaithful to you.
15.uses or even has condoms.
16.Shows obsessive behavior (removes people from your social networks or phone, mistreats your friends of the opposite sex, spies on you or stalks you.)
17.Remembers past relationships as good times that went by.
18.Has had more than 3 lifetime sexual partners.
19.Makes no effort to see you regularly or avoids your friends.
20.Seeks intimacy only under the influence of alcohol.
21.and you have been together less than 3 months and have already had sex. If the relationship is longer but is sexually active. If you have had sex with him or her in the last 30 days.
22.Goes out alone regularly. Goes out alone but meets you later in the night.
23.Drops you off and goes to other places without you.
24.Gets “lost” for periods of time, not answering your calls or your texts.
25.Does not want to talk about the relationship status with you. If days go by without you knowing anything about him or her.
26.Looks lustfully at others, when you are present or when you are not.
27.Pretends other people, in your presence or in your absence, with or without your knowledge, with or without your approval.
28.Breaks commitments with you.
29.Makes plans that do not include you. in “kind of a hurry to leave” when you are together.
31.Does not want to go to activities only with you, instead, he or she always wants to include friends or others.
32.Sees you only when he or she wants, and never when you want.
33.Pressures you for sex. Threatens to break up if there is no sex.
34.Avoids casual physical intimacy (hugging, kissing). not generous with you or does not help you.
36.Wants you to do something bad or illegal.
37.Mocks you. Does not respect you. If your personality upsets him or her.
38.Was not available for you at some moment of pain, problem or loss.
39.Never argues with you. That is typical of relations with little love and indicates disinterest.
40.argues with you more than two times a week. If when arguing, he or she is apathetic, aggressive or intemperate. If you have conflicts over repetitive themes.