Does Sex Makes You Fat?


scale-403585_1280“It is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”   Mark Twain

Consider what these girls say:

– “I had sex with my boyfriend a week ago, but now my body has changed a bit.  My breasts have grown a bit and got harder, and I feel fatter, as if retaining fluid in my body.  I usually get these symptoms before my period, but I’m still two weeks off. ”

– “Let’s just say I have a bigger belly, my pants fit tighter and my stomach hurts more.  And my diet has not changed, I eat the same.”

– “I have heard in many places that when you have sex regularly, women gain much weight and their hips widen.  I’ve heard that mostly from elderly women in my family.  Is that true?”

What is this?  Are they suggesting that sex changed their bodies?  Can sex really have an effect on the physique of a girl?  On the Internet, several professionals say no, that sex does not change the body, and is not fattening.  Are they right?

Victoria Simpson, Gayle Brewer and Colin Hendrie are researchers at the University of Leeds and the University of Central Lancashire in England.  They conducted a study that concluded that the width of women’s hips relates to number of sexual partners, and number of casual sexual partners.[1]

However, that was a cross sectional study, that means that the direction of causality cannot be scientifically stablished.  Mathematically, it could be one of two conclusions.  One, that sexual activity widens women’s hips.  Two, that women with wide hips have more sexual activity.

However, another study conducted at the University of North Carolina resolved that dilemma.  It concluded that women who are in a non-sexual romantic relationship have less body mass index than those who are in a sexual romantic relationship.[2]  That is, in general, sexually active girls gain weight.  And develop wider hips.


– “After having sex several times I noticed changes in my body.  For example, my buttocks are fatter and my thighs too.[3]  I just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced physical changes after sex.  Does anyone know why this happens? ”

Some scientists have been working on that answer, and hormones might be partly responsible.  Hormones are chemical messengers of the body that control major bodily functions.  From basic needs to complex systems, hormones are responsible for an awful lot in humans.  There are over 40 identified important hormones and each one of them can have multiple functions and effects.

The body has yet hormonal responses even to visual stimuli.  An example is the adrenaline rush at perception of danger.  The download is instantaneous and its effects are powerful.  However, can sexual arousal and orgasm have hormonal effects on the human body?

Research shows that they do.  Sex triggers many hormonal responses, for example, dopamine and oxytocin, but there are others.

Dr. Ritesh Menezes, of the department of forensic medicine and toxicology at the Katsurba Medical College in Bangalore, India, suggests at least one culprit: Prolactin hormone.

Dr. Menezes presents the hypothesis that the increase in sexual activity can be a causal factor in increasing body weight by the effect of the hormone prolactin, a hormone that in humans is associated with weight gain.

Menezes explains that there is accumulating evidence that high and sustained levels of prolactin in plasma after intercourse and other sexual activities, relates to increased body weight.  Sexual arousal and orgasm induces sustained increase in plasma prolactin concentration, and that such increase is 400% higher after intercourse than after masturbation.

Sex can fatten a woman.  Premarital sexual activity deteriorates physical appearance.

The legend that sex widens hips and can lead to weight gain is sustained by research.

But that is something you can observe by yourself.  There are women who change so much when they become sexually active that it is easily noticed.  They get fatter and their shape changes quite rapidly.  Other women change more slowly and yet in others, the effect takes longer to appear, in a minority, sometimes years.

– “Look how cute she is, looks like a virgin,” she said.

– “What makes you think she is cute because she’s a virgin?”, I replied.

– “I do not know, but that’s just the way it is” she replied.

When I was young, I remember that my grandmother could discern quite fast when a girl became sexually active.

How did she know? Who told her?  No one.  She only saw the girl and knew, and she was never wrong.  I have seen several mothers have the same “ability” as well.  They look at their daughters and they suspect.

Premarital sex is a destroyer of physical appearance, but that is not the whole story.

The quality of our romantic relationships and our sexual behavior affects even the duration of our lives.  Statistics indicate that promiscuous people live less.  Homosexuals and lesbians also live less.[4]  The average life expectancy of male homosexuals is 51 years in Denmark and 52 years in Norway.  Of lesbians, 56 years in both countries.  Gay people have a life expectancy 22 to 25 years below average, whether men or women.  That is a staggering reality and researchers do not entirely know the reason why this happens.[5]

Sexual activity at an early age is one of the biggest risk factor for cervical cancer in women, and so is having multiple sexual partners.  Premarital sex makes mediocre marriages, increases the likelihood of future divorce, and interferes with the ability to bond.

Depression is more common in people who have had multiple sex partners.  Young sexual activity also relates to depression and troubled relationships, which aggravates symptoms of psychopathology.[6] (Psychopathology are behavioral disorders, emotional or cognitive.  People seeking treatment for sexual dysfunctions are usually diagnosed with some type of psychiatric disorder, mostly women.)[7]

Promiscuity and sexual experimentation is common in people who have episodes of mania (extreme excitement or admiration, the opposite of depression), which can lead to indiscriminate sexual activity, romantic break ups and rejections, and subsequent depression.

The rate of attempted suicide of sexually active girl’s age 12 to 16 is 6 times higher than those that abstain.  Depression in young people is more common, and more intense, when they are sexually active.  Sexually active teens are 2 times more likely to commit suicide.  In males, the chance of attempting suicide is 7 times higher in the sexually active.

When a young single person starts having sex, it notices, and more in women.

Premarital sexual abstinence produces physical beauty and increases the “sex appeal”.  It also makes you more secure, more attractive and more intelligent.  By farfetched as it sounds, it is true.


Article by Frederick Norman Tate, author of “Why Romantic Love Dies… Or Thrives”

Why Romantic Love Mockup 1

[1] Victoria Simpson et al.

[2] At 16 years of age, 18% of adolescents are in a non sexual relationship, 25% are in a sexual relationship, and 57% are not in a romantic relationship. See Halpern, et al.

[3] In women morphology and musculature of the hips, buttocks and groin is an important ornament that signals health and fertility, therefore, changes in that area of the body also affect sexual attractiveness in a major way.

[4] Schools are increasingly teaching that homosexual and heterosexual activity is the same. “It is clearly not,” says Dr. Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute.

[5] Gay men tend to be spectacularly promiscuous, and that could partly explain the low life expectancy effect.  The cumulative number of sexual partners of an adult gay man aged 50 is 300 (of which an average of 130 are women), 25% have had more than 500 different partners and 12% over 1,000.  See Van de Ven, et al, A Comparative Demographic and Sexual Profile of Older Homosexually Active Men, Journal of Sex Research, 1997.

[6] Such as depression, mania (excessive enthusiasm or desire, obsession), borderline personality (unstable moods, unstable behavior and unstable relationships, psychotic episodes), anxiety disorders, eating disorders or alcoholism.  Also, these symptoms impair the normal functioning of romantic relationships, which in turn exacerbate symptoms of psychopathology, which in turn impair romantic relationships… a dysfunctional spiral created by sex is produced.

[7] 9 out of 10 women seeking treatment for vaginismus (an involuntary spasm of the vagina that interferes with penetration) or dyspareunia (persistent genital pain associated with sex) are diagnosed with some kind of psychopathic disorder.